Where Do You Stand?

2020 has been, by far, one of the hardest years our country has ever seen. Just as we were starting to be able to breath a little from COVID, our country was shocked by the death of George Floyd.  In the aftermath of his death, there has been a response from this country which I…

I’m Not Lost

Let me say that again…I…Am…Not…Lost… It’s weird how things turn out sometimes.  How things align to give you the perfect idea for something, spark your creativity, or any of 100 different things.  Sometimes it all just comes together to give you this perfect plan in your mind. I started putting together this outfit the other…

Someone To Lean On

I’ve written a few times over the past few weeks about how I’ve been struggling with some situations.  It hasn’t been easy.  It’s taken a lot of emotional energy from me and, at times, left me utterly exhausted. The funny thing for me is that while I can write about almost anything here, I truly…

Just A Little Time Away

Do you ever want to just run away?  Right now, I just want to run away to some place where nobody knows me and no one can find me… The past few days have been incredibly exhausting for me.  As we finished out last week at work, we shifted our focus at work.  With things…

Inner Peace

For someone who has prided themselves on having a solid foundation of inner peace for so long, I am not really liking where I am right now.  I’ve lost my sense of peace and balance…my sense of serenity…and I really don’t like how it has left me feeling and it’s very unfamiliar territory for me….

Only In New York City

I’m going to be honest, with everything going on with COVID-19, it’s been hard for me to find positive influences for pictures.  So many of my thoughts go to these dark, reclusive and emotionally exhausting images when trying to catch up on my blogging requirements.  I know it’s the fatigue of the long days and…