If You Don’t Feel Your Best Today, Allow Yourself That Space

“If you don’t feel your best today, allow yourself that space.  This is hard.  You don’t have to process this all at once.”-Unknown I’m going to try to keep this short today.  I know I have done some more lengthy posts lately…even longer than I normally do.  So, I figure today I will save your…

It Was Never Their Vilification But Your Silence That Bared Me…

“It was never their vilification but your silence that bared me…”– Humma Malik We have the presidential election coming up next week here in the US.  We all know I try to keep politics out of my blog.  Having said that, all I am going to say is this… As someone who faces judgement and…

Respect Is How You Treat Everyone, Not Just Those You Want To Impress

“Respect is how you treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.”-Richard Branson In light of the day I’ve had, I thought this quote was rather appropriate. One thing I will never understand is why so many people believe that you have to like someone in order to respect them.  Why do the two…