♥ Love, Me ♥

One of the things I know I struggle a great deal with in life is self love. Ummm…guys…that’s not what I meant.  Sheesh!  Heads…out…of…gutter…  Pay attention. I have always struggled to feel accepted and valued.  I have always struggled with believing I was good enough.  I have always struggled to believe I deserved love and…

Pain Can Be A Gift

Ok…before you freak out about the title, I am not saying that I want to experience pain in life, but it is a reality of the world we live in.  There is a lot of pain we experience that is completely unnecessary.  However, much like the child learning not to touch the stove top because…

My Side…Your Side…

Pretty much.  My side…your side. Didn’t you know lil ol’ me needs all that space?  And yes…all my decorations will creep over onto your side of the room too… 😉 See it on Flickr. Credits ACORN Distressed Wood Floor Mirror [@ FaMESHed] Linen Cupboard Set – Dark [@ Uber] Basket with Blanket -Mauve Cotton Assortment…