You Can’t Ever Go Away

  I have been bad this week.  I have spent a lot of time telling my puppers that he can’t ever leave me… A big part of that is he is getting older and not doing so well.  I mean, the vet says that for his age he is healthy… But the arthritis and all…

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

When my brother died, someone said to me, “In the next few months, your address book is going to change…and you will know who your real friends are.”  They also said I would make friends that I never imagined having.  They were right.  Over the year that followed my brother’s death, I had friends who…

Do You See The Real Me?

Yesterday, I had a pretty interesting talk with a friend of me.  He is transitioning as well and we were talking about how people “see” us after finding out we are transitioning.  Its always interesting to watch how others respond to and treat us once they find out “that” part about us. Some people have…

Assume Nothing

Can I tell you how much I hate committee meetings?  And even more…I hate it when people assume things…. A couple of weeks ago, I was in a meeting for this big committee I serve on at work.  I have been on this committee for over 10 years and honestly, my patience for most of…


If there is one thing I have learned over the past 10 years, its that middle management sucks. Sometimes I think people doubt me when I tell them how hard my job is on my body at times.  Its not physically demanding in that I have to do a lot of physical labor.  It is…

My Therapy

Right now, if I could, I would just sneak away to a spa for a bit and soak all of my worries and stresses away. I sometimes wonder, “How much about transitioning do people really care about when they read this blog?  Do they really want to know all of the details?  The physical changes? …