To Know Me: #19QuestionBloggerChallenge

The other day, Meri posted her responses to a 19 question blogger challenge that was posted by another blogger, Cherri, in her blog.  I loved reading Meri’s responses.  She’s got a sense of humor that I would kill to have and her blog, especially with her being a narrative blogger like myself, is on my…

The Power of Positive Relationships

As the holiday season has officially kicked off in the United States, I am just feeling this need to write about something that so many of us forget about on a daily basis. Positive relationships. Being someone who has suffered from seasonal depression for years, especially since the death of my brother but more intensely…

Going Down?

As I worked on this picture, all I could think of was Aerosmith’s Love In An Elevator.  Remember the woman at the beginning with the simple words to Stephen Tyler? “Going down?” Well…its October and that means a new round of FaMESHed X and I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing event…

While I Never Run, It Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Need An Escape

I could write a novel tonight about the day I’ve had.  I’m not going to…primarily because I don’t have the energy to write that much.  Besides, I don’t think you all want to hear about it all. Let’s just say I had one of the most humiliating days at work today…and totally feel thrown under…

Lost In The Storms

I know some of you may have a hard time believing this, but I am not going to write much today.  I know…shocker. I’ll just say I have a lot running through my mind right now.  I’ve got a lot of things weighing on my mind right now and honestly, this picture is a pretty…

Knowledge Brings Power: Q&A With Tiffany

I can’t remember where I first heard the statement, “Knowledge brings power.”  For some reason, I have it stuck in my head that it was an old Schoolhouse Rock segment from my childhood, but I very well could be wrong.  Regardless, I have learned over the years that its true.  There is power that comes…